Peace 14

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What about God cont.

All of the above reality were "all part of the theurgical teachings, formed (formula) in Egypt from combinations of ideographic letters, which were retained even when the grammatical and phonetic systems of cursive writing were developed (our present day letters and grammar)." We certainly can remember, the "combination" lesson we had which is making the "Cursive" Language look less appealing the more we learn about it! Theurgical means "divine-magical intervention."

Of course, the above was taught only in the Mystery Schools to the hierarchy? What about the "curser/or (curse-Re-God)" for your lovely expensive computer? It seems like the Mystery Schools deal with invisible curses? The basis of "curser/or" is cursory which defines as "a runner, course or having legs or structural parts adapted (adept) for running." We can already see the cure connected to care (Refer to Insect Empire a few pages further for this explanation). What about the "mouse" used as the object of movement for Computers?

Did "the word" create God? Created by a formula? A scientific formula? Christian Science Religion formula? Who spoke "the word"? Perhaps, Allalu/Alalu had "formulated" a special plan? "Special", in the Worldly Ways usually is reserved for execution sites or buses, which take The People to these sites.

What type of human did God create when he created himself and his children (thereafter)? "The hermaphrodite is a god of precreation." You can reflect upon the signing of the Declaration of Independence being signed under the "Gemini Sign" although the date was July 4th, the Cancer Sign? The signers were hermaphrodites- Gods' chosen humans.

Plato said that God created the human incorporating "two bodies containing both sexes" which says that the male would be both male and female and the female would be both female and male. This could be the root of homosexuality? To be a hermaphrodite "the person (either male or female) obviously has both the male and female sex organ in marked degrees." The earthworm is a more typically realized "hermaphrodite." However, many of the human women grow hair all over their bodies and the human males have small breasts, frequently. The word "hermaphrodite" derives from the name of the son, Hermaphroditus who was born from the mating of Hermes (a god) and Aphrodite (a goddess). Hermaphroditus "mated with the nymph Salmacis (who was in a single body)."

A nymph/bride in Greek and Roman Mythology is the young of an insect undergoing incomplete metamorphosis (Hear the "E" before "SIS" which becomes ISIS?) or actually transformation, at which stage the wing "pads" are evident. They are considered " a group of minor divinities living in graves, forests and who are considered to be the "comely maiden." In Latin nymph is defined as "Nympha, the inner folds of the female pudenda." The female pudenda. are typically referred to as "the labia minora (minor divinity of insects)." Rome and Greece considered the "labia minora" as wing pads? Menstruating women wear the "pad"! Remember, they would want "to make us in their image"? Who actually is the insect us or them? Why is a god going to the graveyard to mate? The People lived in the forests but they weren't the gods who levitated-who actually had transparent wing pads for flight which the gods/God have transferred onto the body part of the female People Person through the usage of the God Language! The best part of all of this is that all the females don't have to get married to be a bride!

'Pod" is spelt "pad" for its phonetic spelling in the dictionary which connects us to the