Peace 13

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What about God cont.... The Anglo's were told that "the god Amon (GOD) shall be with Thee",when they were in Egypt. God went to England and everywhere else (Such as Thee in My Country tis of Thee = U.S.A.'s National Anthem) they have leaped/hopped to! God is the Dragon of the Holy (Christian) Roman Empire!!!!

What about those "numbers" the "formulas" of those scientists? In those days spirits were recognized as a real threat which could cause illness, misfortune or possession. The priests used magic as the method of exorcism. The "magic" of the Religious priests only "worked" "in accordance with certain formulas." What type of OD-ENERGY was "traveling" in the formulas with the word "dance" sitting in "accordance"? That particular word is used in great abundance in the Anglo Legal,etc., system.

For example: A story of Thoth tells us about a man who went to Hermopolis to pray for Thoth's help. "His god (Thoth) revealed to him, in a dream, an all-powerful formula which gave him triumph over his rivals." In the Book of the Dead, in regards to ritual, we are shown that "when the body was laid in the tomb the priest pronounced certain words or formulas, or "prayers" over it." What about those the formulas? Are certain prayers....formulas????

The "high" priests were openly recognized as "highly" scientific educated men: "When Thebes was besieged by Sennacheribs' armies a large golden image of a rat appeared on the wall, upon which the heirophants had worked, according to their formulas." Did you see the "accord of accordance"? What was the "cord/accord"? Included in their many rituals was the ritual called, "tying (yin/weakness/death)." It was the "tying" that was put on the wall (24 feet thick and 75 feet high) and soon, thereafter, the invaders were killed by a terrible epidemic of plague (rats). What about those knots/ropes i.e., cords in the formulas? We certainly see special "tying" of ropes on the royalty and on the soldiers and in so many other places. Why are we looking at ritualistic prepared "formulas"???? We have previously, learned that the rope belonged to the Roman Empire and meant "slavery"! The neck tie is so named, because of the type of "tying" utilized. That is part of the phrase "It's all tied up." Red tide/tied?

Tying (Recognized in Egypt as the knotted rope) and by "the word" the condition was linked to the individual. "The word was and remains one of the most significant ingredients of magic." The meaning of the word with a certain tone (frequency/vibration is a number) called, Ma-Khru (Now, that is the name of the tone rather than the name of the "word" ) or the "just" voice was spoken. It was considered the "word of truth (T-Ruth connected to the "just" we have learned about, rather than connected to honesty, we have been assuming it meant)'which released the power of the creative or destructive force of vibration." The lawyers of God represent the Just-Ice Department to whom you swear to tell the truth, etc. The lawyers are the Litigators. The "gators/alligators" of the Reptile-Snake beings made in God's image as Minerva was (Snakes all over her brain to show you that her nerves were Reptilian communicators). Mercury, the Planet of communication, was in the Libra Sign in July 4, 1776. This isn't the U.S.A.'s Pre-Natal Eclipse Sign.

Who has the power, today? Whoever has the words of power, the numbers of power, the ropes of power and the....prayers of power because they are all magic! When you receive a "letter" in the mail do you realize that it is called, letter because it is made-from/ of letters? There are hundreds-thousands of letters in one letter in the mail (am-.El)! Or, in the E-Mail that was on the fabrication building of Schindler, which today, is a computer word because IBM computers were used in WWII.