Peace 12

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What about God cont.... We can see that the "Double" Thunderbolt god is the Sun God (Solar Power). The Anglo- Saxon's God gave the "protective force" to the Nazi regime since the beginning of the Aryans in India (Bee-Ra-Min and their Brahmin priests).

The "one" black (Iris color) all-seeing eye refers to the Sun Power/God utilizing negatively (reversed) by The Black (although Aryan-white skinned) Dynasty (Refer to Peace pg. 1-p.597). Therefore, the black and white jail clothing! Also, the Hispanic Anglo Team signifies the black-white (combined they create "Gray" ) colars of who put the slaves in jail! Jealous says, "Jail-us". The slaves wore the stripes/lines which signified the Jail "BARS"!

In the beginning was the "Word" and the "Word" was God. Does this sentence, we all have heard endlessly, tell us that the "Word" created God and if so, what was that "Word"? Let's go to God's Religion for a few insights: "To the Egyptian, magic was religion. Magic was considered as a Sacred (Christian) science, or Sacred art, inseparable from religion." The Religious priests could handle fire, walk on air, dematerialize, understand magnetics (and use them), were electro-biologists, were drugists, could read the akaskic records, foretell the future, etc.

The temple teachers were "Rehk-get-Amon" who trained the Mysteries to the initiates. The top priests were the "3rd" prophets of God who were seers trained until, from being 1st prophet, they became the high (3rd prophet) priest (Did you ever hear about any of those men in the Bible?). He was recognized as the "epistalae" or temple superintendent. Clearly, he oversaw the money because his job priority was "charge (attacker) of the finances." It is also, understandable of his money connection because of the word "epistalae" which actually is a representative of "Apis" the bull which connects him to the mon-eye of the bull!

How good were the "seers"? Between 1906-l887 B.C.E., a priest of the Hermetic Religion had a prophetic vision in which he foresaw the birth of J.C. Many other visions were received about J.C. by the Egyptian priests which foretold his birth, life, teachings and the way he would die. The dreams were considered communication from God.

To the Egyptian magic was "inseparable from religion or a sacred science." We are seeing the words "religion and science" which today, we still have on this Earth. We have???? We have the Christian Science or the Christian Scientists/Science tests! Science is the study of life which utilizes numbers to define itself.

Which Egyptian? The Anglo Egyptian- we might clarify again: "In the battle between Horus and Typhon the enemies were of four types." The black men went south; the white (Slavic) went northeast (To where they are trying to remain alive, today); the yellow went north; and, the brown/red went west (Although the Red Man was already in the west). It is also, interesting to learn that some of the tombs of the First Dynasty had the Egyptians painted yellow. Obviously, before The An Circle were removed by wars or were used as Puppet Pharoahs they had to wear a false knotted beard to represent The Anu Lineage whose Great Pyramid was "490" (13) feet tall.

About 670B.C.E., a prophecy was told to Nut-Amon that the White and Red Crown would adorn (Thor rune) his head which refers to both north and south Egypt. Today, those crowns refer to The White Dragon of Saxons and The Red Dragon of Wales. Did you realize the Anglo warred to obtain the "White and Red colors" of Life which had been given to The People??? Did you also, see the "Double" Dragons and we aren't in China???