Peace 15

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What about God cont.... hermaphrodite/insects. However, the dictionaries' definitions are conflicting for pod : "Cocoon, an egg capsule for an insect or fish; a small group of animals, especially seals and whales." Seals and whales are mammals! Pod derives from the Greek "Podos" which means "foot (Podiatry)." We have an obvious White Cover-Up for the "Pad" word.

"Three/Two peas in a pod" (the dictionary says, "seedpod"). Vegetables produce seeds! Perhaps, when a person becomes paralyzed the phrase "Vegetable" is exactly accurate (Refer to Sacred Sex for this clarification). Also, mammals produce seeds (therefore, a pod of Baleen Whales). The Insect Empire is blending their eggs with our seeds through the word "pod"! We can remedy that chaos (K-0SS), however. PAD for "cocoon, an egg capsule", etc., Padiatry for the "foot" problems (they do possess) and a Pad of Toothed whales! This visualization exposes the "Pod/Seed-die-A-Tree (Family)" The Egg planned!   We, The People, can in 2002 A.D., The Year of the Horse, recognize the "PAD" for the curser/or of the computer!

"Androgynous" refers to the hermaphrodite (map-formula-structure-blue print?) because it is a similar word which refers to a being having characteristics of both sexes: "Andros/Oraner/ Male-Greek; gyne-woman." Madame Blavatsky has said that the first god was androgynous, because the first humans realized that he (God is a he) had sprung "from the mind."

Androcephalus defines as having a human head, especially when joined to the body of an animal (Cep/Kephale/head; Phalus/Phallus; and, andros/hermaphrodite). The Sphinx is a typical example of the androcephalus.   The word "Sphinx" is from Greece, meaning "to bind fast (sphincter is derived from Sphinx)."   In French, Sphinx refers to "the spell she cast." The Sphinx is androgynous: In Thebes it was a woman's face with breasts and a lion's body with wings.   Elsewhere in Egypt, it had a male, ram or hawk face with the winged lion body.   The word Sphinx also, identifies certain moths and apes (Apis decoded). The hermaphrodite deities, connected with the myth of birth, are located on Egyptian monuments. The myth of Mithra/Myth Ra is showing us the message that the Bull Folks are the hermaphrodites breeding in Egypt, who are of Homosexual Lineage, because of the androcephalus animals and the hermaphrodite deities that were built to mirror the Bull Folks.   Are they further saying that the Hermaphrodite Gemini Human Family is part animal?

The myth of the hermaphrodite connects with pre-Columbian Mexico in the Quetzalcoatl story. Quetzalcoatl was said to have been born of a Virgin birth just as Jesus was. Do hermaphrodites impregnate themselves or isn't God attracted to the female because he is a hermaphrodite himself -only mental or could God be homosexual? According, to what we are learning he most probably is.

Minerva represents the lightening-electrical-snakes on her head/mind because mind does reveal the min'd Bull connection.   Therefore,   Alalu had formulated a plan (in his mind) that when spoken, created God, his "double" (so closely a "double" that they were Brothers).   Were they Brothers? Maybe, but did The People, in those days ever hear about identical Twin/Gemini Brothers or actually a "clone"?

"The hermaphrodite is a symbol of intellectual activity." In other words, they are brains, minds, brains and more minds. God, obviously, Alalu, being the "Master mind" of everything connected to this reality!   This reveals to us that this type of human isn't connected to their heart, to the attraction of the opposite sex or to physical activity because "hermaphroditism represents a formula of totality, of the integration of opposites."

Lets look at the opposites in the U.S.A.'s Astrological Signs. The Human Family is the U.S.A. who chose Pisces, Gemini and Libra to represent certain realities for the U.S.A. Each of these signs ("3" actually) contain "double" i.e., opposites or extreme realities. Isn't this clever planning of their Founding Fathers?