Peace 7

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Human Birds of the womb; or, female energy such as darkness of the Goose inside its shell. The Chinese refer to physical darkness while the Anglo refers to Yin as his spiritual darkness i.e., the Bud of "Buddy". The Anglo men also, hide their dominant female side in the "Yen" spelling. Symbolically, the Goose indicates a spiritual quest. Unfortunately, the Yin-geese define spiritual guest as conquest of Souls for God.

In Rome, during Antiquarian (The Age of Aquarius/Brotherly love/The Twin/"Double" Brothers) Rome, the Romans used the Goose to guard their buildings and families. Therefore, the soldiers (People) are the guards of the present-day Roman Empire. They are trained to march while duplicating the stiff legs of the Goose called, "Goose stepping."

The type of Leg-foot marching done by the German soldiers is called, "Goose stepping." This identifies the Goose which flies in the Sky called, Stork (Which the bird books tell us is the Stork) actually is the Ibis bird from Egypt. What type of baby did the Stork deliver to Our Earth? The WAR babies became the WAR Generals! One type of Stork from Africa and India is called, the "Adjutant." It stands five feet tall and walks in a pompous manner with a "Bald" head. The actual "Adjutant WAR General" is named for the Stork which brought the Aryan-German-Anglo-Hebrews through the AIR to make the WARS on this Earth!

Guards are slaves???? Do you have the ability to spell "YES"? Previously, the slaves had to wear a belt which stated the name of the slave and the slave's owner. Today, the plastic card worn about the neck doubles this Antiquarian reality! How many of The People today, socially function as guards where you report on each other and monitor each others' social skills as if the society you are protecting is yours? Instead, you protect the Society of Anu (rather than yours) which keeps you eternally (has) being their slave and guard!

In The Richest Man in Babylon, we can learn that in "Babylon the walls, temples, hanging gardens and great canals were built by slave labor, mainly prisoners of war, which explains their inhuman treatment (?) they received. This force of workmen also included many citizens of Babylon and its provinces who had been sold into slavery because of crimes or financial troubles." Further, "Roman slaves in 1 A.D., the masters had slaves for janitors, cooks, waiters, cleaners, carriers (pages/couriers) Child-minders, wet nurses, and all-purpose personal attendants." Thank you, Watchtower.

What about private ownership, today? Also, from Richest Man, etc. "Slave customs in ancient Babylon, though they may seem inconsistent to us, were strictly regulated by law. For example, a slave could own property of any kind, even other slaves upon which his master had no claim. Slaves intermarried freely with non-slaves. Children of free Mothers were free. Most of the city merchants were slaves. Many of these were in partnership with their masters and wealthy in their own right." Sounds like our modern days! Has anything actually changed?

Now: Remember, the snake which took the beings out of the water, by using its great neck, to the Island of Flame (Flint head-Fire-Flame head)? What kind of snake was it? Obviously, fangled (Fang-Gil/fish)! Let us connect "Yin-gee" with Swan. We have "s/ Serpent-wan'd".