Peace 6

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Tad Pole cont.

The black head refers to the Prince of Darkness who created the Black Thursday (Thor) of the Stock Market Crash (Devastate /Diva/Divine) in 1929, The Year of the Snake in Eastern Astrology. Who "Doubled" their money from that crash???? The Prince of Darkness who robbed The Pole also, robbed all The Peoples' monies during that crash because it simply fell (fall) into his hands (Sunnah? Han'd of the Sun God).

We have studied ancestors, previously; however, let us look at Cest and Cyst: Ancestor for us, The People, actually is "Ancyster", meaning The Earth Cyst of An. Who feeds The Earth Cyst, The Cyst Ter or The Sister? "Cyst", for us, refers to the Child-baby. The Earth feeds Her Child (The Fruit) who lives inside the Earth Womb (The Branch of The Family Tree) through berries, nuts, roots and water.

For the Anu Lineage "Cyst" would be "syst tim" in their Patriarchal Family Tree where the "Tim-Tom/Mot" (The Atom is pronounced in Adam) created the phrase "that's how the system works" because they cut (Tim/Tem-Mot reference) and devastate life to create "cyster" into altered realities such as sister (cyst-ter changed). Do you want to marry into their Family Tree? Refer to Yggdrasil Tree Rune for the "stem" of their system.

Cistern actually pronounces "Sys turn" for the hidden purposes they needed to conceal/seal. The "Sis" refers to the "Isis/Osiris" connection to the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican (Refer to Chitin for the Tin connection belonging to the Latin Language to which Sistine will thereafter, be better understood). Presently, the Palestinians utilize the checkered (bloody) pattern as a symbol of resistance (Re/God-Sis-Stand) to the Isis Sistem!

The Human Birds (3):

We see the Stork bringing the child airborne and then seaborne, by the Goose (long necked snake) who laid the Golden Egg. The Egg which birthed the "Go-old-den" of Rome, whose legs (El-egg) are located in Religion/leg, leggings, legend and legislation. The Stork was Sacred to the Roman goddess Juno. Yet, we are never told what the birthed creature looked like because it is a mystery behind a white blanket (Cover-Up).

The North American Wildlife Birds classifies the Stork as belonging to the Family of Mysticae/l Americanis (in other words the American Mystery! ). The Stork (i.e.,Woodstork) formerly called, Wood Ibis (Woe'd Ibis) aka Gourdhead (Gored head or head with horns; or, Flinthead) is a big white bird with black wing endings. It possesses a bare spot on the top of its head (Just as the bald Quetzalcoatl God possessed and as the young White Big Brother has, today). It remains silent when an adult and has darkness on the rest of its head and neck (The White Men also, are of the OSS/Goose/CIA silence who lives in darkness because the fall of Lucifer caused them to lose their Light). Today, the White Family wear Black clothes.

The Egyptian Ibis resembles the American Ibis. We are told the Goose flies south; but, apparently, the legged flies from Egypt to Rome to America. In America the Goose was hoping to loose its identity in the word Yankee; but, actually, Yankee originally had the spelling of "Yen-gee for Yin-Geese." The Chinese define "Yin" as the darkness-mystery-