Peace 3

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Pg.616 cont....Apparently, all of the Suns (men) and Sunets (women) possess to a very great extent the "Gift of Right/rite Reason" but the Head Son recieves a 100% "Gift of Reason". He utilizes his gift for his/their rational (Ra/Rat-Shun-All) plans. Collectively, they would birth and thereafter, create Global Nations i.e., Lunations/"Lu" (Lucifer) Nations of mechanical "machine-like beings" who would be "leaders" in every area of leadership in stores, organizations, churches and politics, etc. Does the "Lead" in the Leader provide "Nuclear" Protection? Today, "MASH" is the modern term for this reality.

Why does the Sun God bestow such a gift to his children? In The American Heritage Book of Indians, by William Brandon, we can learn that the Empire of the Sun was used to facilitate "a complex world devouring theogony (Public death as a daily bread for the gods)." The Indians died in such large members it was difficult (cult!) to ship enough African slaves to replace them. The Indians walked to the death lines and stood passively until their hearts were removed because they said their Souls had been stolen. You can clearly see why the Church encourages large families! God's daily bread must be produced to replace the bodies just eaten! Wars provide the "buffet of Souls"? The Indians had said that the dead Souls were sent to the Sun (God) to help the Sun in his (We can see the male God is being referred to) WAR against the Stars and to feed the rain with blood. Did you see the "Star Wars"? Can you see why your Soul is "saved" for God? How can you evolve your Soul if the Double-Headed Sun God has your Soul? Don't you worship God on Sunday? The Day of the Sun "God" i.e., Sunday/Day Sun.

In the U.S.A.,The Valley of The Sun is in Arizona. Located in the Valley of The Sun is the Sun Devil Stadium of the Arizona State University. The mascot is the devil with the trident pitch fork. The triangle is at the end of his long tail. So blatantly they speak their secret, from long ago, that The "Sun" God is The "Sun" Devil! The symbol of Christianity is the crucified Christ which recognizes a Religion which worships death.

William Brandon also tells us that in 1680, the Pueblo Indians revolted against the Spaniards. They killed and burned everything that was Spanish until they reached El Paso, Texas. The Indians made ugly masks in imitation of the devil in order to dance the dance of the cacina. The Spaniards told the Indians that God, their Father and Santa Maria, their Mother, were dead. Aren't we being shown that God is the devil who is the Father of the Spaniard, as well as, the Anglo, also? How did it "get a life" to become the Living God of, today?

He also tells us that the church colonists exalted over the epidemic of 1616 to 1619 that had cleared so many heathen from the path of the Chosen People (humans). That this removal was the "wonderful preparation the Lord Christ, by His Province Wrought for His People's (humans) Abode in this, the Western World....this the wondrous wisdom and love of God, is shown, by sending to the place his minister to sweep away....the salvages...." Obviously, just one minister wasn't all God sent to sweep away the salvages (The basis of the Salvation Army!). How many brooms did it take? Just count the brooms and we will have the number of ministers it took, also!

Research says that in the Natchez Villages the Great Sun was both the king and the high priest. Only he and his few temple officials were ever allowed inside the temple (It was only to have contained a fire and the bones of the previous Great Suns). Why did a few men need to see these bones? Was he "skulking" in his behavior? Perhaps, he wanted to hide the fact that he was the "Skull King" of the "Skull and Bones" Society? The Sun God is the Skull King High Priest! By the way, did you ever realize that at the turn of the century homes had a special room called, the scullery/"skullery?" It was the room where the "dirty work" was done. "Skull" is a strange word to identify the room beside the kitchen! "It was five feet square and had a sink, cooker and cabinet. It opened to a yard which became five feet square where a boiler and a bin resided."

He tells us further that "various gods were worshipped that were the same under the skin, from solemn Master of Breath, the supreme being, to the deity straight out of the cartoon pantheon, the Great Rabbit...." Who is it that is the same under the skin? Who shapeshifts? God, the Devil, the Sun God and the Sun Devil!