Peace 2

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Pg.616 cont....God? The "precious" water/blood to the Father Sun and Holy Ghost rather than Father, Son and Holy Ghost? This gives us one God with a trinity aspect that actually is composed of "2/Double" (Such a Religious "Double" Deal?) aspects/realities that belong to one being.

The "Elders" in the Church? The Aztecs used the term for "Army Colonel" (Red El); but, it originated with the first gods who were "brothers (double)." Is the entire Church a complete Army in disguise?

Previously, the priests in India ate part of the ruler's body when they died. It’s kinda difficult to see blood stains on black clothing? But.… are we given correct information about this because the Anu rulers were the beings in need of captives to sacrifice? This tells us about the time when the priests were infiltrating the An Rulers to gain the power and intelligence of their enemies (An Lineage) by eating their bodies. Perhaps, we can look to Japan whose Shinto (Shi-en-toe) Religion began 2,600 years ago when the Sun Goddess gave birth to the first Emperor Jimmu (Gem-Mu of the Gemini Family).

From Rachel Pollack’s, The Haindl Tarot, we can learn that the Hebrew letter for the Sun is Resh, meaning "the head." She says that tradition of "right reason" sees the head as the dominant part of the body, even as metaphor for other forms of dominance such as, "head of state." The Hebrew term for New Year, Rosh Hashanah means, "head of the year." Thank you, Rachel. With "Rosh" we can see the "o" replacing the "e". It is interesting that the term, in French, for "new rich" is "nuovo resh" in pronunciation (flourish/ "resh"). "Reason" would be Resh-Sun or "Head Sun" or totally, "Head-Head" when we apply the fact that "resh is Sun and son is Sun". Here, we have the probable root of the Double-Head we have encountered numerously for the emblem of countries! For the "2-double" gods in one God!

Also, before our currently changed Astrological Symbols were developed, the "Gemini" Astrological Symbol was the "Double-Headed" being rather than the twins, of today. Applying this to the Sun God, we would be shown that the Sun God would be the "Head God or the Doubled-Headed God" who is the "Debble or the DEVIL"! The founding date of the U.S.A. was July 4, 1776 which has the Planet Mars ruled by the Gemini Sign. This isn't the U.S.A.'s Natal Eclipse Sign ("Nat" of The Nations and Destination of Manifest "Destiny").

To be The Head God/Double-Headed God indicates that God is above or in control of the lesser Gods (gods). The winner of the "Wars of the Gods" would be the Double-Headed God or the "God in hiding / Holy Ghost" of the Christian belief system. Double-"Headed" refers to "two-faced"; thus, the phrase, "You can't trust that group or person because they/it are 'two-faced'."

The Sons of Abraham (for instance) would have descended from God (We are taught to call him, God, because the Double-Headed God doesn’t want The People to realize THE TRUTH of the other gods). The sons of Abraham descended from the Sun God (we again see the "o" used for the "u"). We have previously, learned about soun’d where the two letters of "o and u" are kept together. Therefore, Abraham’s sons were Suns!

The Rune stone, Gebo or "G", means "gift." Further, it signifies the "gift of life we receive from the Sun." The Sun (which is a Star) on its own doesn’t create life on Earth. However, the Sun God (Double-Devil-Headed God) created his Adam and Eve and gave to them, on Earth, the "gift of life" from the Sun (God).

The Masons are the males who are "AM-SUNS". The Masons are the builders on the Earth. Their famous building symbol utilizes the "G" at its center. Their "G" would indicate the "gift of life" they had received from the Sun God, via the Hebrew Adam and EVE. Using the decoding we see Devel for "EVE" and "EL" for the Patriarchy root of the "Double" Brotherhood God of Adam ("Dam" means "blood"; "A" means "Ox"; and, blood indicates the blood-line/On-line of EL/Double God). In other words, through God’s own blood-line. Did you notice the "hood" for the hiding of the duplicate God?

The "gift of reason" would therefore be: The "Head Son" (Leader of all the Brothers on Earth) would possess the ability to direct his and their lives by only using his "thinking" brain, rather than his heart. The Hebrews consider this a gift for their life-lives on the Earth. In other words, the gift, from the Sun God, the Double-Headed Devil, disconnects the Head Son totally from his heart where all the emotions of love, compassion (So that personal sympathetic pain is felt), joy for true life and life promoting realities are centered to emanate from, are non-existent!