Peace 28

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Sacred Sex Cont.

The purposeful creation of a Child when the female's "seed" is watered and electrified by the male sperm (chi) in her womb of Earth. The male's entry ignites the "fire" of life to release the energy for the union of "seed" and "sperm" to create the new LIFE together in LOVE!

The Family Tree of Life:

The Tree is shown (like a Star) to you with the trunk of the Tree and its branches. Each new branch would indicate the Birth of a Child from the trunk of The Mother Tree. Each new branch would also, indicate a new Tree (Child) who was born from the "seed" of The Mother Tree (female parent). The Mother is Earth, Herself, reproducing Herself from the "seed" She created inside Her body.

Once you turn to Lumination The Crane Bird Tribe will recognize themselves to be The Rainbow Family who are The Light of The Earth because you are The Circle of Life (Hoop). You are The Family of Light Beings which clarifies for you that you are the Children of The Great Spirit! When all of you regain your Lumination (Raise your frequency vibration rate-Let your Light SHINE! ) Our Mother Earth will also, SHINE as the STAR She truly is!



In the State of New Mexico is the town called, Truth or Consequences: To get to The Truth you have to remove the "Con of Consequences" to see the "sequence" which is The Key that opens the Doorway to The Truth about the Ca/Ka/Caucasian. The Key or sequence is "a rhythm that doesn't have a designated meter." The sequence can be cryptographic (hidden), therefore.

Previously, the subsequent/sub-sequence result was the "consequences" guaranteed by The Con Family as "they see/saw fit" (rage, war, illness and Armageddon). The People have only lived under the bondage (Bound-Age) of The "Consequences" because you failed to "see" The Truth. The first Statue of Liberty was An African Woman breaking the chains that "bound" her.

Only Truth is the True Freedom for The People because...."Only The Truth Shall Set You Free". The Truth given to you through the "sequence" will break the Bond Age chains because they are both visible and invisible! Take "The Truth" because The Truth is The People's Freedom!!!!

You are going Full Circle (Hoop) by saying, "Your LIGHT Book is the Protector (Caregiver) for All True Life in The Universe, especially Mother Earth and Her Children. What you Truly Love. can't be taken from you; therefore, with your LOVE "Hold On" to Your True Home, Mother Earth.

LOVE, PEACE, TRUTH and LIGHT to All Your Hearts!!!! Thank You, Seka.