Peace 26

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How The People are Plants cont.... simultaneous "firing" between the parahippocampal cortex (On "Campus" the youth index (camp) info. into their Hippocampus/al!) of the midbrain and the pre-frontal lobes of the brain. Remember, the neuromelanin joins with the glial cells to release the "fire" from the nerve cells. The "fire" is the production of Light! The glial (aka reticulum) is a fine network formed by cells or formed of certain structures within cells or of connective tissue. "Rete" means "Net" and "Glial" means "glue (Do you see the "NETWORK" System Lucifer's Web is going for?)." Glial is a non-neuronal cellular element of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System.

The "flash" from the firing, results in a picture, just as the imitation camera produces. The photographic memory is the camera's Mother because the camera duplicates the photographic memory; therefore, the camera is also, called, "Photography" by the usage of the "Flash Bulb" which duplicates the "firing". Fire from a tree occurs when the electrons get shifted. This is the actual reality of matter "shapeshifting"! Then, combustion occurs. The electron is the "bridge" between matter and energy. Does this same process occur within us, the Pine Trees while we are actually alive? We process information during deep sleep. A person who absorbs quality information requires more sleep. Dreaming is done when the processing is over. A slowing down of the "firing process" occurs?

If all of us each possessed our total Light we would Luminate at night. This would remove the vast amounts of "artificial light bulbs" compensating for the present day personal existence of less than total Light! Perhaps, previously, God-Lucipher possessed enough Light to be The light of The World. However, today, trillion squared of light bulbs and electric POWER plants (Do you see plants?) duplicate his pre-Fallen abilities.

When POWER Companies utilize bill-board advertisements to display exploitation of The Peoples' energies you can perhaps, assume that they consider you only a pawn in their hands! For an example: When a People Person stands in front of a house holding a turned-on light bulb in his palm while the phrase beneath him says, "You are our source of energy " you are being told that the Life energy of The People is being taken/sucked from them to be used as Electrical POWER for technology! When the movie "Matrix" displays computers and machinery which utilize the energy from The People Person's body to function then, you can realize that the movie really isn't Science Fiction but the truth in the disguise of a movie. The Light energy is for "the Time Being/God; therefore, the "timing light" for the car.

What is Light? What does it do? Light creates color and form. From a scientific point of view, "Light is electromagnetic energy that is produced by the Sun in differing wavelengths." What about the Light The People make, even when the Sun is absent? What about the electromagnetic tracking done by the Shark towards The People? There seems to be a lot of electromagnetic energy and Light beyond the Sun's production of it! The scientists, are saying that the Shark can track The People because they make Light which is electromagnetic. What is the Sun's effect upon the electromagnetic Light of The People? The scientists also, say that the Sun's light has different wavelengths whereas, we learned that the Spiritual Light travels at the "speed of Light"!

Stars are said to produce their own Light. This tells us that The People are STARS! Furthermore, we are an intelligent TREE who is a STAR of LIGHT! This explains why the 25th of December Tree (Said to represent the Spiritual Birth of Christ) gets covered with electric lights in the shape of a bulb or of a star! The "BULB" would refer to our Cranium/ Crane Bird, rooted to the Pine TREE, who produces its own LIGHT, which would refer to the "STAR". The Tree at Christmas actually is a mirror of your Spiritual abilities. However, utilizing a "Dead" Tree for the celebration also, shows the recognition of the attempt