Peace 24

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The Crane cont.... strategy to implement a massive collecting of the Crane Peoples' Souls. Thereafter, God uses that massive Light Power to fight his wars, as the Sun God, against the Stars and every LIFE that is Light Power! Fight fire with fire? It is the Homeopathic Remedy he is using. He can't use his darkness because it is absent of all Light. Therefore, only Light can fight against Light, which is exactly what he is using! Keep your SOULS, keep your PEACE, keep your BLOOD, keep your SPIRIT! Totally,believe in yourselves because you are extremely credible People of The Love and The Light!!!!

How The People are Plants:

The cerebrum is called, a bulb. It is composed of many closely packed folia (foliage-leaves). The folia are bundles of nerve cells (neurons). Our present brain has neurons that produce dentrites (roots and branches). From the cerebrum is developed the spinal cord which would function as the "root". The specific type of Tree which The People are would be the "Pine Tree". This is identified for us in the "Spine" Cord. "Cord" is the same as "root".

The telencephalon's primary part is the neocortex which is a dense rind of nerve fibers about an eighth of an inch thick. With the telencephalon the "floral" ability increases and its nerve fibers divide indefinitely, like the "branches of a tree." This process is called, "arborization." However, the Harbor (arborization) uses (killed) the trees on the shores!

During the proliferation (pro-leaf), which actually refers to the reproduction process, "the tiny nerve cells ( their fibers specifically) release small deposits of neuromelanin that are cast like seeds." Thereafter, "the neuromelanin join with the glial cells to regulate the firing of nerve cells (or the production of The Light????)." Could excessive "firing" produce the situation of feeling that your brain is fried? Do psychedelic drugs function to create a "firing" which purposely results in a "Fried Brain"? This is "Enlightment" with drugs!

Using our nerve cells (especially during thinking) physically, produces a blossom (As compared to the "blooming idiot" who doesn't think?). Supposedly, a brain having "insights" (Because their is enough "Light" to see-the "Light" is inward "Light" ; therefore, the sight is insight) is physically similar to any blooming plant. After the "Light" is produced the neuromelanin can convert "Light" into other forms of energy. Perhaps, we unconsciously are recognizing this process when we have said, "Suddenly, I was lit up with a feeling" or "He is all fired up about it."The neuromelanin is "Light" sensitive and can be Lit up by higher forms of mental activity such as meditation or singing. What does "LOVE" do to the neuromelanin?

All of these processes produce Lumination and explains why we are "Flower Children" because we are another plant living on Planet Earth! Flowers have always been worn most frequently, in the hair (over the brain). The message "the CROWN of Glow (of Glory)/LIGHT" is the ultimate floral extension which is your hair. The flowers are worn by the Flower Children who are,The People of The Four Colors, The Rainbow People! Did the (your) "Light" go on yet, about this reality? Did your "Light bulb" get turned on? Only you can turn yourself on. You don't need drugs to do what you can already do! The People's body begins with the brain, the bulb. All plants develop roots downward from the bulb. The hair is the equivalent of the trunk, branches, leaves and flowers. Because the